To Leave or Not to Leave
The following is a question from the WD newsletter, Questions & Answers dated 2.9.24. This is a very short answer to a very complex question
The following is a question from the WD newsletter, Questions & Answers dated 2.9.24. This is a very short answer to a very complex question
Our world is to be enjoyed so, hopefully, many things will catch your eye. Few things will catch your heart and pull you to them so that you can’t let go – for a while or for the rest of your life. These are the things that will change us and through that passion, we […]
…better late than never. This week got away from me. This is in honor of the blue moon and also applies to all of you wonderful wild men out there. Blessings ~ Kim
This is a new thing I am starting. I run across quotes that I love and will share them here on Wednesdays. Here’s today’s. Love and blessing to all. ~ Kim
I live in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, less than a mile from the Ravenel Bridge, a bridge that has new meaning today. As the world knows, nine people were shot at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston on Wednesday. That, in and of itself was a horrible tragedy. And, that single act of unconscionable violence also […]
I have been wishing my creativity back into being. It is returning in bizarre fits and starts, most often in dreamtime. The other morning, I wrote and recited a long poem about spring on the stage in another Universe. I felt and heard myself read it for a crowd who seemed appreciative. I felt the […]
This blog title comes from one of my favorite Facebook pages. It’s so true, and I love the fact that it graphically expresses how I feel about the science. Science and my perspective collide in the most astonishing ways. As a lifelong intuitive, I don’t need scientific explanations of events. Most of the time, I am […]
I am at an interesting place in life – a crossroads – a huge phase of cleanup. Spirit spoke to me of this in meditation and my current astrological chart confirms this. I am not quite half way through this two-year cycle. I was told that it is time to clean house on every level. […]
I haven’t written for a couple of months. Spirit put me on sabbatical. In other words, my creativity dried up like parchment. I felt like I had nothing to say of any value. I have become deafeningly mute. Is it easy for a writer to be silent? NO! I struggled and I fought with such […]
Of course you are! We are all special. It is absolutely essential to our sense of self and well being that we discover and cherish that which makes us each distinctive. It may be ever present in your heart and mind. If it is not, look for it. You may find it buried in what […]
Everything happens FOR you, not TO you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don’t have to like it – it’s just easier if you do. ~ Byron Katie
There are so very many kinds of chains that bind us – shame, guilt, love, sorrow, fear. The chain that is often the most daunting and inescapable is obligation. This may seem obvious, but it is not. These promises on steroids can be insidious and lurk in murky and obscure ways. Promises and commitments are […]