And Yet More Opportunities for Growth

Summer is settling in here in South Carolina – at last. Not that I’m thrilled. I’m not a person who loves the heat. However, with the delicious long Spring, it does feel like Mother Nature is back on track and all is right with the world. It was lovely to sit on the screened in porch barefoot in a sleeveless morning dress reading the latest issue of Garden & Gun and drinking my morning coffee. My kitties were lounging along with me casually eyeing the ducklings right outside their reach (on the other side of the porch screen.) We enjoyed a few moments of peace before the day hit.

And, that’s the point of the story. The days have been hitting like rockets in a war, multiple bombs coming nonstop for, at least, a couple of weeks. I was told, by a reliable source, that we are at the peak of this energy barrage. There are about 3 weeks left. I moaned in despair, my head dropping to the desk. She encouraged me to look at the bright side. I couldn’t feel or see any brightness. My body hurt everywhere and I just wanted to crawl under the carpet.

However, after a good night’s sleep and a gentle beginning to my day, I am feeling hopeful. We will make it through. We always do. Here is the combination that is pummeling us: three eclipses (see 5/3 ezine on the WD Resources page), the strongest solar flares in years and a series of astrological events too long to list.

OK. I get it. I know the gift of all this is to help us let go of our rigidity and stuckness. We, as a race, seem to cling to beliefs that limit our joy and experience of life. I am feeling like a wet noodle so maybe this thrashing is releasing my illusions of control.

Other indicators might be, in no specific hierarchy — feeling like you’re on an emotional roller coaster from hell, exhaustion mixed with tiny moments of energy, wanting to eat and/or drink outside healthy parameters, glad you don’t own a gun because…, wishing you owned a gun because… angry with every and no one for every and no reason, needing long periods of absolute quiet and more symptoms that don’t come to mind right now because I need more coffee.

Some of you might be shocked at my seeming un-Spiritual use of words. That is the other part of all this wild and I will say it — wonderful energy. I am honest to the core. It seems useless, too effortful and even misleading to sugar coat anything right now. My niceness is hanging on by a hair and slipping fast.

So, let’s share a laugh knowing this too shall pass and be greatful for the blasts of energy that are getting us ready for our new, expansive lives. As I said, we always make it through. And, I expect us to land on our feet. Maybe the bombs are just fireworks and this is all a dream. Weeeeee!

(We are having Saturday Discussion & Meditation tomorrow 5/18 – 5/3 ezine on the WD Resources page for details. I will be sharing some useful tools and fun tricks to help you stay grounded and sane through all this opportunity for growth.)

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